Witze zum Stichwort National

Die passendsten Witze

[Politik & Gesellschaft - Schule & Uni]

Vier Studenten der Universität Sydney waren ...

... so gut in Organischer Chemie, dass sie alle ihre Tests, Klausuren und Praktika bisher in diesem Semester mit "1" bestanden.
Sie waren sich so sicher, die Abschlussprüfung zu schaffen, dass sie sich entschlossen, das Wochenende vor der Prüfung nach Canberra zu fahren, wo einige Freunde eine Party schmissen. Sie amüsierten sich gut. Nach heftigem Feiern verschliefen sie den ganzen Sonntag und schafften es nicht vor Montag morgen - dem Tag der Prüfung - wieder zurück nach Sydney!
Sie entschlossen sich, nicht zur Prüfung zu gehen, sondern dem Professor nach der Prüfung zu erzählen, warum sie nicht kommen konnten. Die vier Studenten erklärten ihm, sie hätten in Canberra ein wenig in den Archiven der Australien National University geforscht und geplant gehabt, früh genug zurück zu sein, aber sie hätten einen Platten gehabt auf dem Rückweg und keinen Wagenheber dabei und es hätte ewig gedauert, bis ihnen jemand geholfen hätte. Deswegen seien sie erst jetzt angekommen!
Der Professor dachte darüber nach und erlaubte ihnen dann, die Abschlussprüfung am nächsten Tag nachzuholen. Die Studenten waren unheimlich erleichtert und froh. Sie lernten die ganze Nacht durch, und am nächsten Tag kamen sie pünktlich zum ausgemachten Zeitpunkt zum Professor.
Dieser setzte jeden Studenten in einen anderen Raum, gab ihnen die Aufgaben und sagte ihnen, sie sollten anfangen.
Die 1. Aufgabe brachte 5 Punkte. Es war etwas Einfaches über eine Radikal-Reaktion. "Cool", dachten alle vier Studenten in ihren separaten Räumen, "das wird eine leichte Prüfung." Jeder von ihnen schrieb die Lösung der 1. Aufgabe hin und drehte das Blatt um: "2. Aufgabe (95 Punkte): Welcher Reifen war platt?"

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[Sonstige - Witzige Texte]

George W. Bush: "Condi! Nice to see you. ...

... What's happening?"

National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice: "Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China."

Bush: "Great. Lay it on me."

Rice: "Hu is the new leader of China."

Bush: "That's what I want to know."

Rice: "That's what I'm telling you."

Bush: "That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?"

Rice: "Yes."

Bush: "I mean the fellow's name."

Rice: "Hu."

Bush: "The guy in China."

Rice: "Hu."

Bush: "The new leader of China."

Rice: "Hu."

Bush: "The Chinaman!"

Rice: "Hu is leading China."

Bush: "Now whaddya asking me for?"

Rice: "I'm telling you Hu is leading China."

Bush: "Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?"

Rice: "That's the mans name."

Bush: "That's who's name?"

Rice: "Yes."

Bush: "Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China?"

Rice: "Yes, sir."

Bush: "Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East."

Rice: "That's correct."

Bush: "Then who is in China?"

Rice: "Yes, sir."

Bush: "Yassir is in China?"

Rice: "No, sir."

Bush: "Then who is?"

Rice: "Yes, sir."

Bush: "Yassir?"

Rice: "No, sir."

Bush: "Look, Rice. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone."

Rice: "Kofi?"

Bush: "No, thanks."

Rice: "You want Kofi?"

Bush: "No."

Rice: "You don't want Kofi."

Bush: "No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N."

Rice: "Yes, sir."

Bush: "Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N."

Rice: "Kofi?"

Bush: "Milk! Will you please make the call?"

Rice: "And call who?"

Bush: "Who is the guy at the U.N?"

Rice: "Hu is the guy in China."

Bush: "Will you stay out of China?"

Rice: "Yes, sir."

Bush: "And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N."

Rice: "Kofi."

Bush: "All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone."

Rice (picks up the phone): "Rice, here."

Bush: "Rice? Good idea. And a couple of egg rolls, too. Maybe we should send some to the guy in China. And the Middle East. Can you send Chinese food in the Middle East?"

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842 Stimmen: o

[Sonstige - Witzige Texte]

Great God! I write you, because you must ...

... help me. I have seen your space shuttle in the television.
In colour. And so came me the idea to make holidays in the worldroom.
Without my crazy wife.

I am the Kraxlhuber. The King of Bavaria was my clock-clock-grandfather.
I stand on a very bad foot with my wife. Always she shouts with me.
She has a shrill voice like a circle saw. She lets no good hair on me. She says
I am a Schlapp-tail. She wants that I become Buergermaster. But I want not to be
Buergermaster. I have nothing at the hat with the political shit. I want my Ruah.
And so I want make holidays on then moon. Without my bad half. But I take my
dog with me. He is a boxer. His name is Wurstl.
So I want book a flight in your next Space Shuttle. But please give me not a window place.
I would kotz you the rocket full, because I am not swindle free. And no standing-place please.
And please do not tell my wife that I want go alone. She has a big Schrot-Gun. She would
make a sieve from my ass.
I need much comfort. A nice double room with bath and kloo and heating. And windows with look to the earth. So I can look through my far-glasses and see my wife working on the
potatoe field. And I and my dog louhg us a branch (haehaehae). We will kringel ourself laughing
(hoehoehoe) !
Is was loose on the moon? I need worm weather and I hope the sun shines every day.
This is very good fuer my frost-boils. I need not much. A good bread time, a good Haxn
and a Mass beer.
Have they chew-tobacco on the moon? If not, I bring it with. Is in the rocket place for my
drive wheel?
Tell the man of the moon that I come. I hope he has no wife. We can make outflights
with my drive wheel. We can make crater-wandering. I bring him the Bavarian national hymn
bei. We can make tobacco chewing. We can drink a lot of hopblossom-tea. I hope he is no
Preiss! We can spuck around the bed. We can make finger-hooking. I bring the Bavarian flag
with and we can dance shoeplattler around it.
Have they flies on the moon? If yes, I bring my weather-frog with. De will get fat like a otter.
I want make 5 weeks holidays. When you have a new rocket after 5 weeks, I wait for the next
rainbow and drive with my Radl.
Please make a good price - under good friends. I cannot pay so peppered prices, because my
pocket money is not so much; send your answer to my neighbour Wastl Hintermoser. I have the

Your Alois Kraxlhuber

P.S. Dont fly when is full-moon. My dog, this Pig-Bazi, becomes always epileptic and makes so
much noise.

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[Sammelsurium - Harald Schmidt]

Berti Vogts steigt als Aufsichtsrat bei Mönchengladbach ...

... ein. Der Vorteil für Berti ist, dass er bei Gladbach garantiert niemanden aus der National-Elf trifft!

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