... for money, if you think that fuck is funny, fuck yourself and safe the money!
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8 - wing 06.08.2022, 15:55 Uhr
Mickey and Minnie Mouse are sitting in divorce court. The judge looks at Mickey and summarizes:
-Well, Mr. Mouse, I understood you want to divorce because you say she, Minnie Mouse, original name Minerva Mouse, has buck teeth.
-No, no, no! This I deny this in the strongest terms, Your Honour! I didn't say she had buck teeth, I said she's fucking Goofy!
7 - wing 06.08.2022, 15:55 Uhr
-Why did the hedgehog cross the road?
-To follow the chicken?
-No, he wanted to see his flatmate.
6 - O.o 02.09.2007, 17:33 Uhr
ich check den nich wirklich...o.O
5 - BuFan 02.09.2007, 14:12 Uhr
der is super
4 - ich 01.09.2007, 11:10 Uhr
ich kenn noch einen fuck is easy fuck is funny anyone fuck fir money have you got an little brother kill you dad and fuck you mother
3 - hi 12.10.2006, 15:47 Uhr
2 - îch mal weida 06.06.2006, 13:03 Uhr
den kenn ich schon, aba endlich hab ich ihn ma schriftlich...^^
1 - moony 30.05.2006, 14:41 Uhr
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